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martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

How to Remove Baidu Antivirus

What is Baidu PC Faster?
How to Remove Baidu Antivirus?
How Uninstall Baidu Antivirus
What is Baidu Antivirus?
Baidu Antivirus is a program that is installed with a program, usually free, not disable defaul uninstall option and not use the advanced mode almost immediately begin to arise popup warning: "Baidu Antivirus had detected..."

to remove it from our computer we are going to control panel

Hence we will install / remove programs, select it in the list of programs and click Uninstall

Then click on uninstall

in the window that appears and hope to continue the uninstall process.

This appears, informing you that the process is now complete:
Like many other annoying programs that try to convince him not we remove at the end. Then sends you to the browser and get this notice
We recommend running CCleaner to clean temporary files and computer registry.

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